We respond to so many calls for help. After our job is done, the patient goes to the next level of care and we rarely hear much about outcomes or progress after we have completed our task. And that is okay. We’ve done our job. Well, every now and then we get a progress report and we’re happy to hear an update from a complicated off-road rescue from several weeks back and got permission to share. There was an overturned off-road vehicle call with entrapment, injury, and it didn’t help that it was a bit remote, difficult to access, and late at night. We had what we would consider a good outcome once we and a team of many accessed the patient and supported quick transport for significant injuries. Well, our new friend Scott and his family dropped by our Station 2 one recent evening to meet with the folks that responded that night to the rescue. Scott and his family brought us some great BBQ and showed appreciation for our efforts. We were so glad to meet with all of them and hear about a promising recovery! Get well soon, Scott! Shared with permission