On-Scene 2009-Earlier

Here are some pictures of our crews at work.  You may notice that many of the incident photos don’t include many “people”* (usually just firefighters).  We are often quite busy getting our job done at incident scenes and we usually only have time for pictures after the work is wrapping up.  Many of these images are taken after an incident.  Maybe once we get a few more cameras, we can try to get more action shots in the future.  So, check back later to see more images as they become available.

*Editors Note: WPFD proudly repects and protects the privacy of our patients.  We like to show you some of the things we do in emergency responses on this section, but we will never compromise our patients privacy. We will NEVER intentionally publish ANY identifiable or inappropriate pictures of our patients out of respect for their personal privacy and Federal/State/HIPPA regulations. Thanks!

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