WPFD Participates in American Red Cross Arkansas – Rapid Response Camp 2013

American Red CrossOn July 3rd, story WPFD participated in Rapid Response Team Camp 2013 at the Arkansas 4-H center in Little Rock. The camp was sponsored by the American Red Cross- Greater Arkansas Chapter. Our personnel participated with Squad 1, Engine 2, Rescue 2, Rescue 3 and Brush Truck 2 to simulate the fire -rescue response to a Tornado Event. Each year, ARCGA sponsors a preparedness camp to Jr. and Sr. High School kids from around the state of Arkansas. Student leaders spent all week instructing the younger participants with valuable first aid, CPR, and how they should respond to a community disaster. After several days learning their skills, the campers put their skills to use in a mock-disaster that simulates a major community response.  This years mock-tornado event was more realistic that every before as we had a larger participation from MEMS (our regional ambulance service) and Baptist Hospitals Med-Flight helicopter.  Campers were “dispatched” in an organized response to the general area where they found scattered patients (nursing students and instructors to provide realistic injury responses) needing immediate care.  Patients, once stabilized by the responders, with WPFD and MEMS assistance, were transferred to the MCI (Mass Casualty Incident) triage location to further assess and treat the patients.  A very realistic event for this year was the landing of a medical helicopter near the MCI triage landing zone so that a “critical” patient (consenting adult mock-patient) could be air-lifted by helicopter for rapid medical care. WPFD Fire Chief Ronnie Wheeler said, “The campers did a great job putting their skills to use. The got to see how things go, even unexpectedly, in an emergency event. Their help and assistance in a real large event will be valuable to provide immediate help until dispatched response organizations, like ours, can arrive on-scene. I am really glad we get a chance to participate each year”.


To learn more about the American Red Cross – Rapid Response Camp, visit http://www.redcross.org/arkansas/programs/rapid-response to learn more. If you are a rising 8th through 11th grade student, contact Gayla Bowden, State Volunteer Specialist, at 501-748-1080 find out how you can participate in next years camp.


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Click this link to see Baptist Medflight Landing ARC Rapid Response Camp 2013