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International Firefighters Day – May 4th ; Sound Off – May 5th

May 4th (St Florian’s Day). May 4 is the feast day of St Florian, shop the patron saint of firefighters. St Florian was the first known commander of one firefighting squad in the Roman Empire. He lost his life, as well as those of his colleagues, for protecting the same humane ideas which firefighters all over the world share even today.

Firefighters dedicate their lives to the protection of life and property. Sometimes that dedication is in the form of countless hours volunteered over many years, in others it is many selfless years working in the industry. In all cases it risks the ultimate sacrifice of a firefighter’s life.

International Firefighters’ Day (IFFD) is a time where the world’s community can recognize and honor the sacrifices that firefighters make to ensure that their communities and environment are as safe as possible. It is also a day in which current and past firefighters can be thanked for their contributions.

International Firefighters’ Day is observed each year on 4th May. On this date you are invited to remember the past firefighters who have died while serving our community or dedicated their lives to protecting the safety of us all. At the same time, we can show our support and appreciation to the firefighters world wide who continue to protect us so well throughout the year.

By proudly wearing and displaying blue and red ribbons pinned together or by participating in a memorial or recognition event, we can show our gratitude to firefighters everywhere.

The IFFD ribbons are linked to colours symbolic of the main elements firefighters work with – red for fire and blue for water. These colours also are internationally recognized as representing emergency service.

Firefighters in most European countries celebrate their day on 4th of May as a ‘Day of Fire Service’ as well as St Florian’s Day. This date is also known as St Florian’s Day worldwide and has been tradition for more than 150 years in Europe.

In this day, we ask you to :

  • find your own way to show your support for all firefighters worldwide;
  • recognize the level of commitment and dedication it takes to be ready, and willing, to serve in the face of dangerous conditions;
  • remember those lost or injured in the line of duty;

 May 5th : Sound Off

On the first Sunday in May at noon please Sound Off in respect of past firefighters.

A special time to stop and reflect on the sacrifices made by firefighters is held on the first Sunday in May at noon local time each year when fire sirens sound for 30 seconds followed by a minute’s silence in memory of, and respect for, all firefighters who have been lost in the line of duty or passed on before us. This is known as the “Sound Off“.


Be a Force of Nature during National Severe Weather Preparedness Week: March 3-9, 2013

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) partnered to designate March 3-9, check 2013, as National Severe Weather Preparedness Week, and is calling upon all Americans to Be a Force of Nature.
West Pulaski Fire Department is committed to Being a Force of Nature and pledges to do so by: knowing our risk, taking action, and being an example for our families and community by sharing the steps we took. Because we live in an area prone to tornadoes, flash floods, severe thunderstorms the recent severe weather and icy thunderstorms reminded us that this weather can strike anywhere and at any time.
Just last year, there were more than 450 weather-related fatalities and nearly 2,600 injuries. Each time severe weather threatens we hear stories of ordinary Americans who do the extraordinary to save loved ones – a mother protecting her children by shielding them from flying debris, a homeowner opening up his storm shelter to neighbors, neighbors helping a senior in a wheelchair get to a safe shelter, individuals ensuring friends are aware of the current watch or warning in their area.
Tornadoes struck approximately 46 states, caused over $1.6 billion in damage and nearly 70 fatalities. There were more than 935 tornadoes in 2012, with 206 in April alone. While April and May are peak months, tornadoes happen all year round.
Building a Weather-Ready Nation requires that every individual and community take action because severe weather knows no boundaries and affects us all. Be a Force of Nature by making a public pledge to be prepared at
What can you do to Prepare?

Arkansas Fallen Firefighters Memorial Dedication Nears

The honor of your presence is requested on Saturday, medical March 22, prostate 2014 at 1:00pm for the Dedication of the Arkansas Fallen Firefighters Memorial at the Arkansas State Capitol.
1 Capitol Mall, State Capitol   Little Rock, Arkansas

Arrive early for free tickets….just kidding, admission is free and we hope to see you there!



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