All posts by webmaster

WPFD in the News: Multi-Casualty Incident -Lawson Road

WPFD has been in the news quite a bit this week with a  multi-casualty incident involving 5 teenagers on Lawson Road. A dangerous curve with a bridge has produced some terrible accidents in the past as drivers traveling too fast for the curve loose control. Follow the links below to the most recent reports from KARK news and a discussion of the dangerous curve with Chief Ronnie Wheeler.

KARK Incident Report

KARK Follow-up Report

2011 Fire Membership Dues -Support YOUR Volunteer Fire Dept.

Reminder: 2011 Annual Fire Department Dues Notices are now being delivered* via U.S.  Mail.  West Pulaski Fire Department is a 100% Volunteer Fire and Rescue organization and relies on the financial support of the communities we protect.  Please don’t delay payment. Make sure you are covered so that you qualify for your insurance carriers best rates that are offered to customers that support their volunteer fire organization!

Prompt payment of your annual dues will ensure your membership is paid for the current year. We advise you that pursuant to Arkansas State Law, “Non-Members” may be charged a penalty for the provision of firefighting services. Also, property owners that fail to pay “Membership Dues” to their Fire Department are prohibited from receiving reduced fire protection rates on their fire insurance which can significantly increase your insurance premiums.

*Property Owners in Pulaski County that live within 5 miles from their closest WPFD fire station will have their annual dues billed directly with their annual real estate assessment.  Check with your Pulaski County Assessors office or WPFD ( if you need proof of paid membership for your home insurance carrier.

For more information, visit our department website page for frequently asked questions about Annual Fire Dues  at this link

Ferndale Crimewatch Honors Pulaski Sheriff Deputies & WPFD

During a recent event at the newly renovated Ferndale Extension Club Building, WPFD and the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office were honored for community service by the Ferndale Crimewatch Group.  We were all brought up-to-date on recent activities and training about the Sheriff Depts. Community Assistance Program.  WPFD was very grateful to be included in the event and were fed quite well by the members that brought pot luck dinner and deserts. Thanks to all that attended. We too appreciate the efforts of the Ferndale Crimewatch Group and the Sheriff’s Deputies to look our fellow neighbors just like we do.

Move to the Right for Sirens & Lights!

If you or someone you love needs emergency help, you would probably want help to get there as fast as possible. The best way to assist someone in need to receive emergency help is to Move to the Right for Sirens & Lights!

Some people might panic when an emergency vehicle approaches.  Please yield to emergency vehicles by pulling over (in a safe place) or stopping to allow emergency vehicles to safely negotiate  around you. Failure to yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle delays in emergency responses by ambulances, fire engines and fire trucks arriving at the scene of an emergency.

Firefighters with WPFD are volunteers that respond from their home areas in a moments notice.  We only use our flashing lights when dispatched to an emergency scene and the situation is critical. You are asked to allow us to pass you SAFELY when driving marked fire vehicles and personnal vehicles that display flashing emergency RED lighting and/or sirens.  Sometimes we go directly to the emergency scene (if close by) or directly to our local stations to retrieve emergency vehicles. Your help is appreciated to help us get where we are needed in a quick and safe manner.

Firefighters are careful to avoid vehicle collisions by driving slowly when traveling against traffic, or coming to a complete stop at intersections. However, the cooperation of ALL vehicles on the roadway is essential.

Continue reading Move to the Right for Sirens & Lights!