Category Archives: General

Public Notice: Special Meeting Today at 7 p.m.

West Pulaski Fire Department’s Board of Commissioners in Little Rock, Arkansas, will hold a special meeting on 6/29/2023 at 7 pm CDT. This is a public meeting and is open to visitors. The meeting address is West Pulaski Fire Department Station #2 at 25911 Kanis Road, Little Rock, Arkansas 72223. 

CAW Flushing Water Lines in our Fire District

Central Arkansas Water is flushing water lines in our area to address high manganese levels from their water source, Lake Maumelle. If you see hydrants flowing, these are not leaking hydrants or broken water lines but routine maintenance on the water lines. There is no need to report a problem.

Stay Cool while it is so Hot!

This week will get HOT starting today and worse in the middle of the week. If must be out in this heat, please hydrate consistently to avoid heat-related illnesses. Seek shade when you can and take regular breaks from direct sunlight when possible. Heat exhaustion is real and can progress to a true heat emergency. Here are the signs and symptoms so you know the differences. When in doubt, dial 911 for help. Stay Safe, Y’all!