Category Archives: General

WPFD Engine – 1 Now in Service

We have teased a little about this for a while but the time is here to make a grand announcement. Our new Engine 1 is now in service at Station #1 and we could not be more proud of this fine fire fighting machine!

This pumper truck is made custom built by Toyne Fire Apparatus is constructed on a 2022 Kentworth Chassis. It carries 1,000 gallons of water and contains a Hale pump that can produce 1,250 gallons per minute. It carries 1,500 feet of 4-inch (LDH) supply hose and 500 feet of 3-inch supply hose on the hose bed. It also has cross-lay storage behind the cab of the truck that has two sections of 1 3/4 inches attack hose, each with 200 feet preconnected for a fast deployment.

We are quite proud of this truck that has been planned for years and took 13 months to build after a detailed design and ordering process. We are thrilled to have this new truck online and are quite confident this truck will serve our communities well over the next many years!


Construction started this week to frame the new fire station planned for Brush Mountain Trail near the Pulaski/Saline County line off of Kanis Road and 12th Street.

Not too long ago we had our ground breaking event to celebrate the start of something big. A new station to better serve the western part of our district near the Pulaski and Saline County line at Kanis and 12th Street. Our new station on Brush Mountain Trail will house 3 apparatus to place equipment more closely to an area that can benefit from closer equipment and potentially insurance savings for home and business owners.

We are thrilled to see the framing begin and expect to see the shell of this structure completed in the coming month or so. It won’t be a working station yet, though. We still have much to do for doors, electrical, plumbing, storage and more to make this a functional fire station. This won’t just be a barn where we stored extra horses, it will be a functional part of our response plan and we need your help to see it’s completion this year. If you would like to sponsor our effort as someone that lives in this area to benefit from a closer station or to show your support for those that live in this area as existing customers or future customers, let us know if you would like to help. You can donate at a link below or reach out to us for more info. We will bring more updates on our progress.

Use this link below to donate or reach out to us for more info…

Construction has started on our new Fire Station at Brush Mountain Trail

Construction started this week to frame the new fire station planned for Brush Mountain Trail near the Pulaski/Saline County line off of Kanis Road and 12th Street.

West Pulaski Fire Department is a 501(c)3 non-profit and your tax-deductible donation can show you support for our fire department, community, residents, and businesses in this area. We will display your name on our sponsor board at the job site for the duration of construction through occupancy, and then add your name to the new station’s charter sponsors for display in the station.

Please consider committing yourself or your business as a sponsor to our project and showing the community that you care! Thank you!

Heat-Related Deaths Are Preventable

Sharing this info again about heat exhaustion and heat stroke. It is no joke and with the temps staying so high we just want to ensure folks know the signs. Stay out of the heat as much as you can. Hydrate with plenty of water, not just sodas or sports drinks. If you feel the symptoms below then your body may be trying to tell you something. Listen to your body, drink water, and get to some shade. Know the signs and call 911 if you or someone nearby needs help.

Stay cool. Stay Safe.

Think Green, Think Clean, Think Water to Cool it Down When it Catches on Fire

12:44 Today: WPFD was dispatched to a vehicle fire near the 4600 block of Garrison Road this afternoon that involved a Waste Management truck. The cause appears to be mechanical and our crews were able to extinguish the fire and get the road open shortly after. No injuries were reported. We also do not have info about trash pickup past this point on the driver’s route but hopefully, another truck is located to pick up the remainder of their Thursday route.