Category Archives: General

Be Careful With Outdoor Burning

Outdoor burning can be tricky. Temperature and humidity are usually predictable, but the wind isn’t always your helpful friend. Sudden bursts of wind or a surprising change in direction can carry your simple fire from leaves or brush to a fast-moving inferno that can be hard to control. Our crews have been out on several grass fires lately, in fact, we are out right now catching a runaway flame on someone’s ground. So, we ask, if you decide to burn before our next rain please stay with your fire, get a helper if needed to maintain control, ensure you have an effective fire line around your burn area, and remember to burn ONLY legal (natural) materials when weather conditions are safe (not too dry or windy). If your fire is on the run, call 911. Stay Safe!

WPFD Receives First Electric Round-up Grant

WPFD is proud to announce a recent donation of $2,200 from First Electric Cooperative. Their Operation Round-Up grant program allows First Electric members to help support worthwhile projects in the communities they serve and scholarships for students. This donation will greatly help us with equipment purchases for a new fire truck we hope to show you in a few weeks when it arrives. Thank you First Electric!

Coming Soon……New Engine 1

WPFD is excited to announce a new fire apparatus, a fire truck, a pumper to be more specific, is on its way to Station #1! For many years we have made plans for the replacement of a frontline pumper at our Station #1 in the Col. Glenn area. Our current Engine 1 (E1) is a 1999 Toyne/International pumper that has served us well but is beginning to show its age. With years of saving and planning an order was made in 2021 to start the process have the new truck built by acquiring a heavy-duty chassis (the Kenworth truck cab and frame) and then having the manufacturer custom build the apparatus to our specifications. The base chassis has box/compartment sections for equipment and storage built from aluminum, then they install the water pump and plumbing that connects to the transmission. After that fittings, hooks, shelving, lighting, and more are added to our specifications. The truck is nearing the end of the construction process and is undergoing testing and final fitment of a few things like equipment doors and such. We know this truck will service our needs well and should serve our fire district and communities well for decades. Here is a sneak peek of the truck in process and we can’t wait to get it back to Arkansas and to get it into service as soon as possible.

A turn for the better…

We respond to so many calls for help. After our job is done, the patient goes to the next level of care and we rarely hear much about outcomes or progress after we have completed our task. And that is okay. We’ve done our job. Well, every now and then we get a progress report and we’re happy to hear an update from a complicated off-road rescue from several weeks back and got permission to share. There was an overturned off-road vehicle call with entrapment, injury, and it didn’t help that it was a bit remote, difficult to access, and late at night. We had what we would consider a good outcome once we and a team of many accessed the patient and supported quick transport for significant injuries. Well, our new friend Scott and his family dropped by our Station 2 one recent evening to meet with the folks that responded that night to the rescue. Scott and his family brought us some great BBQ and showed appreciation for our efforts. We were so glad to meet with all of them and hear about a promising recovery! Get well soon, Scott! Shared with permission