Category Archives: General

Groundbreaking Planned for our next fire station on 8/28/2021

The West Pulaski Fire Department is excited to announce the groundbreaking for our sixth fire station. Located at 3006 Brush Mountain Trail, Paron, AR, this future station near Kanis Road/12th Street at the Pulaski/Saline County lines will give the residents in the westernmost section of the district an increased level of fire protection and emergency medical service. They will also be able to enjoy the benefit of our ISO Class 4 rating. We will gather at the site on Saturday, August 28, 2021, starting at 10:00 AM.


Scott Joblin,


West Pulaski Fire Department

Back to School splash Aug 7th!

We are happy to announce that we will be having another event with The Bramble Market Saturday, August 7th! With school starting soon we would like to be able to help out the schools in our district. We will be accepting donations of NEW school supplies!! If you would like to donate, please make sure these are new supplies only: notebooks, paper, crayons, pencils, etc. Bring your donation to the event and don’t forget to wear your swimsuit! For more info about donating supplies feel free to contact Amber Chrissonberry by phone or email, 501-492-9895
We greatly appreciate any and all donations

Announcing WPFD’s Drive-by Celebrations

West Pulaski Fire Department is excited to start offering Fire Truck Birthday Drive-bys to the people of our community!! If you are interested please read the below-linked information sheet and fill out the request form also linked here.

Drive-by info sheet

West Pulaski Volunteer Fire Department

Drive-by Celebration Important Information 

West Pulaski Fire Department is excited to start offering fire truck drive-by celebrations to the community. Please read through the information on this page and complete the form to request a drive-by celebration. Our community outreach coordinator will get back to you to finalize arrangements.

Important Information 

  • We are only able to provide the drive by celebrations to the West Pulaski area.
  • We may not be able to honor all requests.
    • Emergency calls are our top priority. We could be called at any moment.
  • We may not be able to honor specific time and date requests.
    • We encourage you to choose more than one date and time to help maximize the chances that we can fulfil your request. Chances are greater in the afternoon hours and on weekends. 
  • All scheduling is dependent on volunteer crew availability
    • West Pulaski is a 100% volunteer department and our members have other responsibilities 
  • All drive by celebrations will follow our current COVID precautions. 
    • We are more than happy to stop for a photo op!
  • Emergency calls have precedence and may prevent us from conducting a scheduled drive by. Our first priority is the protection of life and property in the West Pulaski area. Unfortunately emergencies can occur at any time and we may not be able to provide you with any prior notice. 
  • We are happy to perform these drive by celebrations to the people in our community. We would greatly appreciate a donation of $5 – $20 to replace the fuel in our truck. Donations may be made by check to West Pulaski Fire Department (please indicate it is a donation) Checks can be delivered in person to the crew at your drive-by (crew members can not accept cash) or they can be mailed to :

West Pulaski Fire Department

2810 Whispering Pine Road

Little Rock, AR 72210

Request form :…/1FAIpQLSfx42uOmV6…/viewform…

Join us at the Bramble Market on July 3rd!

Join West Pulaski Pulaski Fire Department at The Bramble Market Saturday, July 3rd, 2021. A few of our firetrucks will be there from 11 to 1230. Talk with some of our firefighters, get a tour of the trucks, and don’t forget the photo op! The Bramble will have a food truck and ice cream and the best part???
Cool off with the firefighter’s version of a sprinkler 😎

We Remember Those Lost

Freedom is not free. It is hard-fought and paid for with sacrifices. Today we remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice, the men and women of our armed forces lost in service defending our great country. Memorial Day 2021. We Remember.