Category Archives: General

Monthly Board of commissioner’s meeting Rescheduled

Update 2/20: Board Meeting Rescheduled- 2/21/2021

Notice: The WPFD Board of Commissioner’s meeting has been rescheduled for Sunday, Feb 21 at 2 pm. This brief meeting will only address a timely item for a treasurer position election that was held over from a previous meeting.

Original: WPFD Monthly Board Meeting Postponed Due to Weather

Due to inclement weather, the WPFD Board of Commissioners Meeting planned for Thursday, Feb 18, 2021, will be postponed to sometime in the near future. Thank you.

WPFD on Scene at possible structure fire

Original: WPFD is on the scene in the area of Jones Loop Road this evening for a reported structure fire. Occupants are out of the home. Traffic will be blocked for a while on Jones Loop while we complete our assignment. Follow-up: WPFD was dispatched this evening to a structure fire on Jones Loop Road. We found a small outdoor fire that had embers blown near the structure and that caused the exterior to burn. Luckily we were able to control the spread quickly, the damage was minimal, and no one was injured. Thanks to Crystal Fire and Lake Maumelle Fire for the assist!

wpfd on scene at a chimney fire

WPFD and Crystal Fire were dispatched tonight to a possible chimney fire on Ginger Hill Road. On arrival, we found the problem may have resolved itself but we needed to check high and low for any remaining fire or damage. Luckily this was a good call that didn’t spread from the chimney/flue and burned itself out before causing chimney failure, loss of property, or personal injury. With some extreme cold predicted for in the next several days, please use caution to ensure your own home heat sources are safe and operating effectively. Extreme cold temps and the need for supplemental heat can sometimes lead to house fires. We have worked too many residential structure fires on the very coldest of nights. If you haven’t had your chimney swept in a while, or have already burned a lot of green wood this season, you could be at risk. Green (unseasoned) wood makes more creosote and can lead to flammable soot deposits that can cause chimney failures and house fires. If you use kerosene or electric heaters, be sure to use extra caution to ensure they are safe distances from combustibles. Stay warm and safe!