Category Archives: General

Thank you for your support!

A BIG THANK YOU to Barbara Howell, our Saline County Justice of the Peace and Quorum Court member for a donation of water and sports drinks. This donation is greatly appreciated to help keep our firefighters hydrated and functional in any fire scene. It helps us year-round but especially helps most when we have extreme temps like we do this summer.

Live Saving Award for Capt. Gilmore

Recognition is a nice thing for a job well done. Recognition for saving a human life is just plain AWESOME! Captain Dustin Gilmore from our Station #3 (Hwy 10 area) has been awarded a Naloxone Life Saving Award from the University of Arkansas Criminal Justice Institute. Dustin is credited with providing a timely Naloxone (also known as Narcan) overdose treatment earlier this year on a dispatched medical call. His quick action reversed the detrimental effects of an opioid overdose and was able to restore normal breathing to a patient. Congrats to Captain Gilmore on this much-deserved award!

Heat AdvisorY

Boys and girls, today’s word is “HOT”. This word is used generally and quite liberally this time of year when that bright sun is shining and combines with Arkansas’ tough southern humidity. That is where that big Heat Index tends to climb so high like today where 106 degrees is projected. Please drink plenty of fluids and find some shade or “conditioned air” to stay cool. Stay safe, y’all!

Teamwork Saves The Day

Today was a good day! WPFD was dispatched for a missing juvenile and the response of several coordinated agencies (and some helpful neighbors) helped us find the missing person and return them to their family unharmed. Thanks to Pulaski County Sheriff deputies , Arkansas Game and Fish, and Arkansas State Police for the help!

New Tanker 22 In Service

We are happy to announce our next apparatus Tanker 22 is officially in service at Station 2 in Ferndale. This is a long-term project to bring another donated military truck chassis to serve our communities in it’s next life as a fire truck. This Freightliner can deliver about 2,600 gallons of water to fire locations in areas without fire hydrants or enough water supply to support fire operations. We are happy to have this truck in service now as current Tanker 2 gets some minor refurbishing.