Category Archives: General

Annual WPFD Christmas Dinner / Firefighter Awards

At the West Pulaski Annual Christmas Dinner, treat held December 12th, help we all took a small break from the training, maintenance, and fire hoses as our firefighters and their families were able to sit down to celebrate the holiday season.

WPFD had a lot of activity this year.  Running a large volunteer organization like ours with multiple facilities is a substantial task considering your entire workforce is unpaid.  We could not function without the tireless efforts of all of our dedicated firefighters that are compensated only with the satisfaction of serving the public need and responding for our neighbors and brother/sister firefighters. Additionally, we wanted to recognize some individuals that went above and beyond in service to our organization. See the awards presented below. (more pictures will be posted later)

We truly hope for less emergency calls in the new year, but assure you we will be ready should you need us.  Best wishes to you and your loved ones from the WPFD family.

Picture from the event are at this link:

yFirefighter of the Decad 2009
Department Firefighter of the Decade

Department Recognition of Service
Department Recognition of Service

yFirefighter of the  year 2009
Department Firefighter of the Year
zStation Firefighers of the year 2009
Station Firefighters of the Year

Did you say FLOOD? I didn’t know it was raining?

WPFD was dispatched to a flooding situation on December 26, drug 2009 due to a levee break up stream from ponds and creeks that flow through drainage at an intersection of Lawson and County Line roads at the Pulaski and Saline County lines.  An 8-10 foot wall of water washed a passing car off the road without injury, seek but temporarily trapped the driver in the vehicle.

Even though the torrential rains had stopped for a few days before the incident, prostate a series of levees had become rain saturated from constant water flowing into and over the retaining walls of 4 ponds in the area. As one pond broke, it sent a huge amount of water to the next in the series of ponds creating a chain reaction downstream to other water reservoirs.

Trees and power lines were down as secondary downstream levees threatened to break. West Pulaski Fire/Rescue crews were dispatch to various surrounding areas to protect property owners and evacuate danger areas until road and bridge crews from Pulaski and Saline County could assess the damage with Entergy and First Electric power crews.  No major injuries were sustained but at least one home and a few vehicles were damaged in the incidents initial levee break.  More information about this incident can be found at the following new sites as well as an interview with Chief Ronnie Wheeler.

Free Wireless AMBER Alerts- Sign Up Now!

West Pulaski Fire Department would like you to join us in supporting the efforts of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.  NCMEC, with the U. S. Department of Justice and many wireless telephone carriers,  has developed a program for free wireless AMBER Alert Notifications to your wireless phone.  Please visit the link below to the organization’s website and sign-up today for a free text message notification when an AMBER Alert is issued in your local area.  Your participation will help find our nations children that are missing or abducted.  Someone’s child needs your help!

Sign up TODAY at

Continue reading Free Wireless AMBER Alerts- Sign Up Now!

Ark. Forestry Commission Fire Show

WPFD visited the 2009 Fire Show on October 31, medical 2009 that was presented by the Arkansas Forestry Commission in Greenbrier, Ark.   Firefighters representing departments from all over the state of Arkansas had the opportunity to see fire technology and equipment on display from vendors and departments that implement the tools we use.  WPFD took our Tanker #1 truck to be displayed. Demonstrations were also provided by AIR-EVAC (emergency medical helicopter transport),  chainsaw training,  and more.

Continue reading Ark. Forestry Commission Fire Show

WPFD assists Crystal FD @ Col. Glenn Structure Fire

WPFD worked to assist Crystal Fire Department with an active structure fire on Col. Glenn Road on Monday, prescription Oct. 27, 2009.  Equipment and manpower were needed from many West Pulaski stations and Alexander Fire Department. The structure was considered a total loss, look however, all occupants escaped without injury.

From Arkansas Democrat-Gazette dated 10/28/09:

The Red Cross of Greater Arkansas is helping a father and son after a fire Tuesday afternoon destroyed their home west of Little Rock in Pulaski County, sheriff’s office spokesman John Rehrauer said.

About 2 p.m., a fire broke out at the home at 13816 Colonel Glenn Road while John Cate was inside, Rehrauer said. He was able to get out of the house safely and attempted to put the flames out, but fire engulfed the home, Rehrauer said.

Phillip Cate, who also lives at the address, was not home at the time, Rehrauer said.

Fire crews from the West Pulaski Volunteer Fire Department, the Crystal Fire Department and the Alexander Fire Department eventually extinguished the blaze, but the home was “totally destroyed,” Rehrauer said.

No one was injured, Rehrauer said.

The Red Cross is helping the family with housing andbasic necessities.

“We are putting them up for a couple of nights in a hotel and have given them a debit card for emergency purchases,”Red Cross spokesman Brigette Williams said.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation, Rehrauer said.

Follow the link below to read the story from the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: