Category Archives: General

Burn Ban: Pulaski County

Update :Outdoor Burning Ban is in effect for Pulaski County.  With some recent rains, find burning bans have been lifted in Saline and Perry counties only. Burning is still prohibited in Pulaski county at this time

WPFD would like to remind you that outdoor burning bans are issued by the  judges within each respective county and are not a mere suggestion to restrict burning activities.

Even with some rain in our area, treat we remind you that ?ANY outdoor burning in a county with an active burning ban is PROHIBITED and CAN INCUR FINES from law enforcement agencies as burning is not allowed, discount recreational campfires, grass, trees debris, or otherwise. Burning of non-natural materials is never legal.

More info is available at the link below:

WPFD 2009 Annual Fish Fry Fundraiser!

West Pulaski Fire Department held its annual ‘All You Can Eat’ Chicken and Fish Dinner on Saturday, September 26th, 2009. We had a GREAT turnout and it was fantastic to see our friends and neighbors again this year for our annual dinner.  Thank you to everyone that helped sponsor and participate in our event that helps our department so much each year!

Select the “Read More” link to see pictures of our event ————————–>>> Continue reading WPFD 2009 Annual Fish Fry Fundraiser!

WPFD Station #2 at Ferndale POP

A festival called ‘Ferndale POP’ (Property Owners Party) was held on Saturday, September 26th, 2009. Our Station #2 folks were glad to participate in the first annual event to bring friends and neighbors together for fun and festivities at the intersections of Kanis and Ferndale Cut-off. Activities included the Ferndale Crime Watch sign-up, Pulaski Sheriff Dept Deputies-SWAT Team-Patrol Boat, Vendors, Silent Auction, WPFD and more.

The day started off with a parade of police cars, fire trucks, horses, ATV’s and more. Following the parade through ‘Downtown Ferndale’, everyone got a chance to talk with our departments firefighters from Station #2, look over Rescue 2 and Engine 2, and see some demonstrations of our tools.

Choose the ‘Read More’ link to see more pictures of the event———->>

Continue reading WPFD Station #2 at Ferndale POP

Firefighters World @ Pinnacle State Park

Firefighters World held at Pinnacle State Park on Saturday, treat August 15, doctor 2009. Chief Ronnie Wheeler and Station #3 personnel attended a presentation with Arkansas State Parks Interpreter James Mullins.  We gave out Fire Prevention and Safety/Fire Education coloring books and brochures to 80+ children and 70 adults.   Also sprayed water on anyone (lots of children) who wanted to be cooled off.


WPFD is proud to announce the addition of 2 new vehicles to our fleet based at Station #1.

Squad 1 replaces our older (smaller) rescue vehicle with a new 2009 Ford F-550 Rescue truck that will serve on on Rescue/EMS-Medical/ Motor Vehicle Collisions) and Fire calls as a support apparatus (bringing extra breathing air bottles and tools). Squad 1 was placed into service a few months ago and has already proven a valauble addition to our fleet!

Tanker 1 replaces our oldest tanker and carries 3, decease 000 gallons of water to areas not serviced by water hydrants or where additional water capacity is needed.

Tanker 1
SQUAD #1 (Rescue and Fire Support Vehicle)
SQUAD #1 (Rescue and Fire Support Vehicle)