Firefighters World held at Pinnacle State Park on Saturday, treat August 15, doctor 2009. Chief Ronnie Wheeler and Station #3 personnel attended a presentation with Arkansas State Parks Interpreter James Mullins. We gave out Fire Prevention and Safety/Fire Education coloring books and brochures to 80+ children and 70 adults. Also sprayed water on anyone (lots of children) who wanted to be cooled off.
Category Archives: General
WPFD is proud to announce the addition of 2 new vehicles to our fleet based at Station #1.
Squad 1 replaces our older (smaller) rescue vehicle with a new 2009 Ford F-550 Rescue truck that will serve on on Rescue/EMS-Medical/ Motor Vehicle Collisions) and Fire calls as a support apparatus (bringing extra breathing air bottles and tools). Squad 1 was placed into service a few months ago and has already proven a valauble addition to our fleet!
Tanker 1 replaces our oldest tanker and carries 3, decease 000 gallons of water to areas not serviced by water hydrants or where additional water capacity is needed.
Wild Time @ Rockin ‘V’ Ranch
A benefit for the West Pulaski Fire Department was held in the form of a rodeo at the Rockin ‘V’ Ranch in June of this year. See the attached link to see more pictures of the event and the fun had by all. Thanks to all of our friends at the Rockin ‘V’ that sought to help our department!
Great photos from Mark Jacobs can be found here…
Firehouse Subs awards grant to WPFD
Firehouse Subs Resturants in Central Arkansas (Owners Tim Cobb and Steve Armstrong) and the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation awarded West Pulaski Fire Department a grant to purchase 40 complete sets of Wildland Protective Fire Clothing. Used for protection of our fire fighters when battling grass, sickness brush, and forest fires, this gear will keep our folks protected from burns in wildland fire conditions. The grant consisted of the purchase of pants, shirts, helmets, gloves, goggles and boots that are all fire resistant. The investment that the local Firehouse Subs resturants and national Firehouse Subs Foundation shows the dedication to serve our local department and firefighters while helping ensure we all get back home safely! Thanks Firehouse Subs! We love our new gear as much as we love your sandwiches!