Category Archives: General

Noisy Night

Sorry for the noise, Ferndale. WPFD is out working a structure fire this evening and without hydrants in the area we are trucking a lot of water with our tanker trucks and the Pulaski County tanker taskforce.

Around 7:30 pm we were dispatched for a structure fire involving a chimney on West Hawk Trail. The home was fully involved on our arrival and we got to work quickly. bringing in extra manpower and water is necessary for a quick-moving fire. Luckily no one was injured.

We will be out here for a while longer to finish the job. Thanks to our mutual aid partners for the assistance. Paron FD, Crystal Fire, Collegeville Fire, and water supply from several mutual aid companies.

HWY 113/Fitzhugh Lane

WPFD is finishing up work on a Structure Fire on Fitzhugh Lane in the northwest part of our district off of AR Hwy 113. Around 3:00 pm today crews from our Station 4 responded with additional crews from Stations 1, 2, and 3 as well as mutual aid partner Williams Junction Fire Department.

Good job everyone and quick work!

WPFD At The Annual Ferndale Country Christmas Parade

WPFD had a fantastic time at the Annual Ferndale Country Christmas Parade! It grows so much each year. So many additional vehicles and participants showed up to an all-time high crowd. It was a fantastic time. We will post a few of our pics here and add a few more as we get them.

Thanks to all the participants and the crowd that make this event so much fun every year! We sure have the Christmas spirit now!

Thanksgiving is near

Next week many folks will be cooking a bit more for the holiday. Many home fires start in the kitchen so safe cooking practices and readiness to extinguish a flash fire from a stovetop or oven can save your dinner and home. There are several techniques to stop a fire like this with the smother method. A lid, baking soda, or a fire extinguisher are all good methods for quick extinguishment of an oil or grease fire. The reason those things work so well is because WATER IS BAD ON A GREASE OR OIL FIRE! And remember to call 911 as quick as you can!

Be prepared, act quick, stay safe!

Veterans Day 2023

Veteran’s Day – For all of you who have served our country, we say THANK YOU!

Here are a few of our folks who have joined the ranks in our nation’s military service.