Auto-Extrication Training is a combination of classroom lectures and hands-on practical training involving various vehicle and patient access scenarios. Our crews study the commonalities and differences of vehicle construction and then work to address scene safety, orientation/position, and coordinated management for safely removing a vehicle from around a trapped patient. We use everything in our toolbox necessary to ensure the patient gets advanced care in the golden hour. Sometimes that is a hand tool or lever and other times it is a hydraulic like a ram, spreader or cutter (jaws-of-life). An experience like this is valuable, especially to our newer folks to help with various methods of stabilization when oriented vehicles on all four wheels, on their side, upside down, and on other vehicles that might also be entangled. This is a very hands-on skill to study and involves laying down, crouching, or crawling in vehicles for simulation of patient access so patients can reach pre-hospital care on-scene and eventually hospital or trauma care as quickly as possible.
As you can see all the work is hot and the sunny 90-degree day only made it hotter in our protective gear. Great job everyone!