Rescue at Pinnacle Mountain State Park

WPFD was dispatched to a medical call at approximately 7:20 pm on 4/26/2022. The nature of the call was an injured biker that had suffered a fall on a difficult-to-access ledge near the trailhead around the Pinnacle Mountain Park Visitors Center. The injured rider was located at a dangerous and rocky slope approximately 20-40 feet below the trail. The rider was extracted a little before 9 pm and then transported to a hospital for medical care. Thanks to the hard work of everyone, including Pulaski Sheriff's deputies, MEMS, Arkansas State Parks Rangers, and Little Rock Fire's Rescue 2, Engine 2, and Tower 21 for the high angle extraction on a steep incline.

911 Address Signs Available

Help your emergency services find your home quickly in an emergency or at least us get down the road more quickly with great markings that help lead us to our next urgent call for help.



Original Post March 30, patient 2015

Can Emergency Services find you in a hurry? If your mailbox needs a little help getting “noticed” then the Ferndale Crimewatch has a project to help emergency responders find you quick.
If you live in the WPFD Fire District area contact Marcella Grimmett at 501-912-4211 to get your sign ordered.

-Only $15.00
-HIGHLY VISIBLE from 100+ feet at night
-Double sided  numbering for each direction of approach
-Durable Aluminum
-Red reflective base color
-High contrast white reflective numbers on both sides.
-Pre-drilled holes to make it easy to mount
-Great for mailbox, gate, or driveway post
-Mounts horizontal or vertical direction
-Long lasting
-Easy for you to install.

Call the Marcella Grimmett at 501-912-4211 while supplies last.

The West Pulaski Fire Department is a great organization made entirely of volunteers. Your home and family are protected from fire and medical emergencies by a department made up of trained and dedicated people that live and work in your own community.

We always need help from our neighbors* to have adequate manpower that supports our emergency response teams. We are ALWAYS looking for quality folks that want to join our team. At this time, we are asking for your help to ensure we have enough trained personnel at your local station.

What you get as a volunteer firefighter–

  • Volunteer Firefighters receive all necessary training to become a Certified Firefighter (CFF) at NO COST.
    • Certified Training Includes:
      • Introduction to Firefighting Course
      • Protective Personal Equipment Course
      • Wildland Firefighting Course
      • Online FEMA Incident Management Courses
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE Clothing) is provided to you at NO COST.
  • Dispatch Pager –  a Voice pager is provided for the dispatch of fire/rescue calls at NO COST.
  • Once Certified as a firefighter- Continued training for advanced skills is provided at the department level for additional capabilities and special skills related to most aspects of Firefighting, Vehicle Rescue, Rescue CPR, First Responder, etc.

What we need from you as a volunteer firefighter–

  • Participate in Station Maintenance one evening per week. (2-hours)
  • Participate in Station Training/Station workdays occasionally on Saturday mornings. (half-day usually)
  • Participate in Department (multi-company) training one evening per month. (2-3 hours). Usually held in a place of a regular maintenance night. On the second Tuesday of the month.
  • Being a volunteer firefighter only requires that you respond to emergency calls when you are in your home area.
  • We don’t ‘man’ (live or staff) our fire stations. There are no shifts or staffing requirements. Your voice pager will dispatch you from wherever you are and you can respond to your home station to pick up equipment and travel to the dispatched location.
  • Let us know what time you are generally available to respond/participate.(For example = most people are generally available evenings after work and most weekends)
  • You do not have to leave work, church, or family activities to be a volunteer firefighter. We only ask that you respond to fire/rescue calls when you are in the area and available.

Please call 501-821-9320 with questions or visit your local WPFD station (usually on a Tuesday night (between 7-9 pm) for more information.

  • *Residency restrictions may apply as you should live in our very near our fire district to participate regularly with us and respond.

Search and Rescue Training

Search and Rescue Training. This is for the folks that will purposely and quickly come into a burning house for you with the purpose of getting you and themselves out of the structure. It is important training and valuable skills using interior search tactics to navigate obstacles in low light and no light scenarios. We are happy to have this training, taught by our own Deputy Chief Don Kuhn and Battalion Chief Phil Prater. We were also thrilled to have our dinner sponsored by some wonderful neighbors that wanted to make sure our firefighters are fed well on nights like these and to show thanks for what we do for the communities we serve and for them on recent calls to their homes. We appreciate being appreciated and pizza and dessert helps our army march on. Thanks to all of you that support us and enable us to do more. Serve beside us or supporting us ensures the mission is met. Thanks!

Road Conditions are Slick.

Road conditions seem to be slick in several places. Rain and driving have allowed some melting but we have seen reports of some improvement. Bridges continue to be slickest and slow speeds should be used for safety. It is hard to tell what is still frozen (black ice) or just wet. AWD and 4WD are certainly recommended and GOOD tires for any traction you want to maintain. Hills and curves can remain challenging so please use caution if you have to get out. Hopefully, we will see the expected melting by mid-day to get us to a level of just wet roads soon.

Here are some pics of our overnight calls for trees and limbs in the roadway due to heavy icing. These are from Stewart Road near Leatha and a couple other locations we found on the way.