We need your Help!

If you dial 911 for help due to respiratory (breathing) difficulty or flu-like illness, you or a family member is asked to communicate as much detailed information as possible about your situation to the dispatch operator. Any responders that will be coming to help you would like to know in advance of critical information to help us assist you and to take necessary precautions that could help us protect ourselves in your service. Thank you.

Also, if you have a medical concern or are worried about symptoms regarding the Corona Virus (Covid-19), here is a good place to start with UAMS. You can visit their website for a free evaluation from home or on your phone BEFORE you visit a doctor. Talk to a live nurse and take a quiz to be evaluated. It could be an easier way to get your answers, talk with a health professional, and get a reasonable evaluation before getting stuck in a doctor’s office or heading to an Emergency department. Feel free to share so you have this in your toolbox of things if needed.


Calling 911 During Cold, Flu, and Virus Season

If you dial 911 for help due to respiratory (breathing) difficulty or flu-like illness, you or a family member is asked to communicate as much detailed information as possible about your situation to the dispatch operator. Any responders that will be coming to help you would like to know in advance of critical information to help us assist you and to take necessary precautions that could help us protect ourselves in your service. Thank you.

Annual Fire Dues 2020

Since other folks are asking it is time for another post about fire dues. WPFD is a volunteer fire department. Dues are charged annually to residential properties at the rate of $50 per year. Commercial properties are $100 per year. If you have a structure, any kind of structure on the property, then you would be charged dues in one of two ways, either on your annual real estate tax bill or you will receive an invoice.

If you live within 5 miles of a fire station AND live in Pulaski or Saline County, those dues are on your Real Estate Tax Assessment and should be paid with the annual tax bill and likely would be paid as a part of your mortgage. If you don’t have a mortgage, then you would need to pay that directly with tax payments. Saline County residents that used to receive invoices from us may not get them this year due to annexation of some properties to our fire district in Saline nearest to our Station 1 area on Col. Glenn. This means if you used to get an invoice directly from us, it may be a change to see it on your real estate invoice in the past year or so.

If you live outside of the 5-mile radius of your closest fire station then your dues are invoiced annually. You would get a bill sometime in the first quarter of the year. If you have not gotten a bill yet, it is probably going to come out sometime in February or March. Our district assessor keeps up with properties in our fire district. The updates are sent by end of the year and then are processed by Pulaski, Saline, or Perry counties (whichever is applicable). The counties actually send the invoices out for us if you are not in the station radius to have the charge added directly to your tax bill. It is a legal thing and eventually, we hope everyone has the dues applied more consistently on the real estate assessment invoice for consistency.

If you have not gotten your bill yet, you should have your 2020 invoice soon. We operate on the timetables of the respective counties so there can be some variance in the timeline based on their workload.

For more information, check out our website at

Move to The right for sirens and lights!

West Pulaski Fire Department (Little Rock, Arkansas) www.wpfirerescue.orgPublished by Jason Rogers· January 25 ·  This may seem like common knowledge for most but when you see an emergency vehicle approaching from behind or approaching you from ahead, please slow down and yield immediately (move over) or when you find a safe place to pull out of their way. At an intersection, hold your place at a stop sign or traffic light so we can drive and wait until the vehicle with emergency lights and siren has passed, even if you have a green light. When seconds count, any emergency vehicle simply wants to get around you quickly and safely. State law requires you to yield. Please give us some room. Stay safe.

Public Notice

West Pulaski Fire Department has had a Board Commissioner position vacated when a publicly elected member moved from our service area. When this happens, the Board of Commissioners will seek an eligible person that desires to fill the position. Once an eligible candidate is found then an appointment can be made, with approval from the County Judge.

The application process is simple. If you are a civic-minded individual and would like to be considered for an appointment to the remaining term that ends on or about October 31, 2020, please send us a letter telling us about yourself and your desire to serve in this role.

Mailing Address:


Attn: Board of Commissioners

2810 Whispering Pine Road

Little Rock, Arkansas 72210

You must:

  1. Be a registered voter that voted in the last presidential election
  2. Reside within 5 miles of a West Pulaski Fire Department fire station
  3. Send your letter of interest in time to be received by WPFD no later than 5 p.m. on Feb 13, 2020.