
We all love our pets. They are part of the family. If a disaster hits close to home, what happens to your pets? Did you know that your Smart911 safety profile permits you to include a picture and details of your furry family members? Dialing 911 would pass along vital details not only for you and your family members to a 911 dispatcher but can include photos and info about your pets.

Learn more at

Smart911 is a safe and secure way to communicate enhanced information to an emergency dispatcher when seconds count. Smart911 is a free service paid for by the State of Arkansas and costs you nothing.

2019 Award Winners

2019 Annual Awards – Here is more recognition from our irreplaceable volunteer firefighters that have not only answered the call to serve their community but also keep showing up… for years, sometimes many years. We tell folks that when you join up that the service and desire to serve kind of gets in your blood. The only way to deal with it is to continue answering the call when the call comes in. So, we wanted to recognize special awards over the past year and also those that have met milestones this year. We definitely wanted to acknowledge years of service when sometimes it was not recognized on the true anniversary. We will do better going forward each year to hit closer to the mark but wanted to show those that met a significant milestone, and usually more years, than what was shown on their certificate for this event. Please hold your applause until the end, just kidding….give ’em a standing ovation whenever you are ready.

WPFD Annual Meeting Oct 24th

WPFD will hold its Annual Public Meeting on October 24th at 7pm at the Ferndale Extension Center Building located at 27021 Kanis Road.

Please join us for updates on your volunteer fire department. Meet our firefighters and participate in discussions that affect you.

WPFD has a public elected board and 3 positions will be up for election.

We hope to see you there

Update -Saline County Burn Ban Lifted 10/8/2019

Update 10/8/2019 @ 3:30PM

Saline County removed the Burn Ban today. All counties in our fire district (Pulaski, Saline, and Perry) allow safe and legal outdoor burning at this time.

Original 9/30/2019

A Burn Ban is still in effect for Saline County. Perry and Pulaski counties are not under a Burn Ban but are strongly advised to avoid outdoor burning due to fire risk. Always use caution with outdoor flames.