WPFD Fire Rating Will Change to ISO Class 4 on FEbruary 1, 2019!

West Pulaski Fire Department is pleased to announce that our ISO Public Protection Rating will change from an ISO Class 5/6 to an ISO Class 4 for all property owners living 5 road miles from a WPFD fire station, beginning February 1, 2019. 

WPFD continues to improve our services and has invested in equipment, training, and capabilities to serve our communities better. We are proud of this improved rating and we will work harder to continue improvements that get us to an even better future rating.

ISO Class Ratings

  • Class 4 –  Will apply for any property owners that live within 5 road miles of a WPFD fire station.
  • Class 10– For property owners that live greater than 5 road miles of a WPFD fire station the ISO assigns still assigns a fire protection class of 10.

WPFD encourages you to contact your insurance provider or the Insurance Services Office about how this rating impacts your insurance coverage and costs. A decrease (which is an improvement) can lead to a decrease in insurance premiums if your insurance company uses the ISO PPC in their rating formula.

To learn more about the ISO PPC program, visit their website at http://www.iso.com/faq/ISO-FAQ/The-Public-Protection-Classification-PPC-Program.html

Dane Roset, EOW 1/18/19

It is with deep regret and a heavy heart that I announce the passing of Daniel “Dane” Roset, FF #432 from Station 2.  Dane was tragically killed in a vehicle accident.
Dane was an active member of the West Pulaski Fire Department for 1 year and 3 months.  He was a certified firefighter and held the Emergency Medical Responder certification.  He was known as a guy who would work hard and not stop until the job was done.
Please keeping Dane’s family in your thoughts and prayers during this most difficult time.
Thank you,

Chief Scott Joblin

WPFD promotes Scott Joblin to Fire Chief

WPFD would like to announce that Training Capt. Scott Joblin has been promoted to Department Fire Chief effective 1/01/2019. We welcome Chief Joblin to the senior fire officer role.

Message from Chief Scott Joblin:


I am excited about the opportunities laying before the West Pulaski Fire Department in 2019. Outgoing Chief Ronnie Wheeler and the members of the Board of Directors have positioned the Department to succeed.

Join me in thanking Chief Wheeler, now retired, for his tireless work and effort as he led the Department for the past 14+ years. We were blessed to have his leadership and are grateful for his continued support in the operation of the Department.

As the incoming Fire Chief, I will support the forward movement of the West Pulaski Fire Department. As a Department, we will meet the challenges presented to us and provide the service the citizens in our community expect and deserve.

If you have questions or need information, please feel free to contact me through our business office:
Phone: (501)821-9320
E-Mail: wpfd@sbcglobal.net

Thank you for your continued support of the West Pulaski Fire Department!

Scott Joblin, Fire Chief