Hwy 10 Closed at Alotian and Maumelle Harbor

Highway 10 is currently shut down at Maumelle Harbor and Alotian. Entergy power distribution lines, the large hi-voltage lines, are blocking most of the road and access is completely blocked at this time. Please use Hwy 9 or Highway 113/Hwy300 as a detour if you need to go west on Hwy 10 for the next few hours. Entergy advises it may be open around 12:00.


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Public Service Announcement…it is a little dry out there.

We have had a few wild grass fires lately. Some may want to burn leaves and such but we would recommend waiting a bit. Moisture should be coming into the area this weekend and might provide some humidity to slow the fire risk. We have a crew on Woodand Acres Drive now but here is a recent pic of a very recent fire. Be careful, y’all. You won’t want to get flames too close to your houses.


Image may contain: outdoor and nature

Burn Bans for our Fire District have been removed.

Burn Bans for our fire district have been removed. Outdoor burning is permitted in Pulaski, Saline, and Perry counties.

If you do burn, please do so safely. Please remember that only natural vegetation is allowed. No plastic, rubber, vinyl, tires, metals (wire and such) can be burned legally, ever..ever. The $10,000 fine for burning illegal stuff is always in effect.

Stay safe, y’all.