Please don’t play with fire

Please don’t play with fire. So many folks are just burning leaves or trying to clean up their property with matches (or flamethrowers) that we and several other fire departments in our area have been hopping from fire to fire. No honeydo’s on our lists got done today as we responded to Saline and Pulaski county grass, and woods fires that escaped control.

Thanks to Lake Norrell FD and Crystal FD for the help on Congo Ferndale/West Colonel Glenn calls. Really glad to have Arkansas Forestry too for two calls today.

Please avoid burning anything outside right now. No, there is not a burn ban, but conditions are almost there with low humidity and unpredictable winds. Stay safe.

Travel with Caution on Snow/Ice Packed Roads

Update 327pm: A lot of melting has happened. Road conditions are much better but bridges, buried culverts, and some areas with thicker snow pack/ice are still very slick. A dump truck plow with sand was spotted in the Ferndale area at about 3pm. It wasnt doing much but we hope he will spread some sand on the bridges. They need it. Watch out for ice refreeze tonight that can happen on any road surface. Maintain a proper speed and traction for wherever you are going. Stay safe.

Update 907am: All roads are packing and becoming very slick. Stay off the roads if possible.

Road report 730am: Most roads in our district are snow covered and getting packed from regular traffic. Some areas are slick and icy. Here is a picture of Kanis at the 4 way. Congo Ferndale is slick but passable. Be sure to use caution and minimize sudden braking.
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Hope you have a safe snow day!

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Winter Weather and Road Conditions in our Fire District

Update 327pm: A lot of melting has happened. Road conditions are much better but bridges, buried culverts, and some areas with thicker snow pack/ice are still very slick. A dump truck plow with sand was spotted in the Ferndale area at about 3pm. It wasnt doing much but we hope he will spread some sand on the bridges. They need it. Watch out for ice refreeze tonight that can happen on any road surface. Maintain a proper speed and traction for wherever you are going. Stay safe.

Update 907am: All roads are packing and becoming very slick. Stay off the roads if possible.

Road report 730am: Most roads in our district are snow covered and getting packed from regular traffic. Some areas are slick and icy. Here is a picture of Kanis at the 4 way. Congo Ferndale is slick but passable. Be sure to use caution and minimize sudden braking.
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Hope you have a safe snow day!