Be Ready Before A Natural Disaster Occurs…Build A Disaster Kit

An emergency or disaster supplies kit is simply a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency.

 Try to assemble your kit well in advance of an emergency. You may have to evacuate at a moment’s notice and take essentials with you. You will probably not have time to search for the supplies you need or shop for them.

 You may need to survive on your own after an emergency. Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, ampoule but they cannot reach everyone immediately. You could get help in hours or it might take days. Additionally, basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment and telephones may be cut off for days or even a week, or longer. This means having your own foodwater and other supplies in sufficient quantity to last for at least 72 hours. 

Your supplies kit should contain items to help you manage during these outages. Include items that you may use every day to live independently such as prescription medicines, diabetic supplies, food for special diets, hearing aids and batteries, durable medical equipment and other assistive technology devices, and consumable medical supplies.

WPFD is now on Twitter

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WPFD is now on twitter to help us communicate timely information to the communities we serve. You can come directly to this site ( and/or or follow our posts via twitter (twitter name is @westpulaskfd) to get up-to-date info involving major incidents, large weather events, or other needs where we feel timely info can help you plan or react to community news or events.

This won’t be used heavily on most days but this communication channel will become quite active during large weather or emergency events so we can provide timely updates to automatically deliver community updates like road closures, power failure/restoration efforts or impacts to emergency services caused by major events.

Follow us now so you can get those updates when needed!



Can We Find You When Seconds Count?


If someone in your home calls 911 for HELP your Fire Department, Police and an Ambulance will respond, but we need your assistance to find you faster!

What if:

  • Weather conditions are bad and visibility is poor?
  • Bushes, vines or weeds grow to hide address numbers?
  • Address numbers are low on the post and covered by weeds?
  • Brass address numbers on your post do not contrast with the background color and can’t be easily seen?
  • Address numbers are on the mailbox, but numbers are covered when flag is pulled down?
  • No address numbers near your driveway?
  • Address numbers on mailbox are small, obstructed and/or non-reflective?


Continue reading Can We Find You When Seconds Count?

Please..move to the right for sirens and lights!!!

Watch this. You may think we don’t have much traffic on our country roads, but think again. WPFD covers a territory larger than the city Little Rock, Arkansas. Sure, our population isn’t as dense but WPFD still works to respond quick to our 160 square mile service area with only 4 fire stations. By comparison, the city of Little Rock, Arkansas encompasses about 122 square miles and is served by 20 fire stations. We all have the same job to do, save lives and protect property. No matter where you are when traveling please help emergency responders help others in need quickly. Please pull to the right for sirens and lights. If you can’t stop, then slow down so we can get around. Thanks!

Time To Change The Batteries In Your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors!

change clock 2013Daylight Savings Time Ending – When you set your clocks back from Daylight Savings Time tonight, sale remember to change the batteries and test your smoke alarms, here check carbon-monoxide alarms, and inspect fire extinguishers. We recommend you check and test your home safety systems monthly but especially now you can make sure that fresh batteries are installed to keep your family safe from smoke and fire. Fire Safety begins with Preparedness! Have questions? Visit us at learn more about being prepared for home safety.