2013 WPFD Community Newsletter – Check Out Our Latest Issue

2013 newsletter image

WPFD’s annual community newsletter for 2013 is ready. We have had a lot going on over the past year and would love to catch you up on WPFD activities, introduce you to a few of our firefighters, and share some news that affects our department and YOU!

Here is the link to our newest issue for 2013 –2013 – WPFD Community Newsletter

Here is the link to our newsletters page for current and several past newsletter issues –WPFD Community Newsletter Archive 2007-2013


WPFD Planning For Fire Boat Program


West Pulaski Fire Department currently provides fire and rescue coverage to areas along the Arkansas River and Maumelle River like Little Rock Yacht Club, sale Maumelle Park, Beck Road, County Farm Road, Isbell Lane, and areas near Two Rivers Park. The need for “floating” fire and rescue apparatus in these areas near the Arkansas River valley has continued to grow as housing and traffic continues to increase. WPFD is planning to acquire a Fire Boat and implement a program for our fire district. This will be a large commitment but will be worth the effort to better serve our fire district.  WPFD recently made arrangements to receive a very nice fire boat through the Arkansas Forestry’s and U.S. Forestry’s donation program. The boat is leaving its current  service at the Joplin Volunteer Fire Dept. on Lake Ouachita. Some of our volunteers already have the required training and more will get the opportunity to train once we activate this boat  for service. Stay tuned for updates at wpfirerescue.org and our Facebook page.

Click the link below to see more pictures of our planned fire boat.

Continue reading WPFD Planning For Fire Boat Program

WPFD in the News: Station #5 now in the planning stages for the eastern Pinnacle Valley area


Pulaski County residents in the in the northeastern part of our fire district are generating ground roots support from local residents and from WPFD leadership with hopes to develop a new fire station that can serve the eastern part of Pinnacle Valley north of Hwy 10 to the Arkansas River.  Many residents in this area have seen large increases in insurance rates or have trouble getting insurance since our last Insurance Services Office (ISO) evaluation (Oct 2012) that showed improved fire protection rates to most of our fire district but many in this area live further than 5 miles from the closest station on Hwy 10. The ISO ratings are require structures to be located no more than 5-miles distance from their closest fire station and no more than 1, ed 000 feet from their nearest fire hydrant. Residents in this area have fire and rescue coverage from WPFD, troche however this distance from the fire station has impacted insurance costs the most for this area, even though they are paid members of the volunteer fire department. As recent developments and housing growth has risen over the past several years the community has now organized to help WPFD improve our response times to meet services for increased population numbers and higher local traffic to local state and city parks in this region. This local support from the community and is critical as we evaluate options and hope to find ways to finance a suitable property, equip it with fire apparatus, acquire protective gear and develop more community volunteers that will train and respond to calls from this new station area. A recent commitment from a property owner has helped get the ball rolling with a donation of approximately 1 acre of land in the vicinity of Pinnacle Valley and Beck Rd. Additionally, community volunteers area expressing interest to join the planned station as volunteer firefighters and first responders. With planning for building design, commitments of labor, and recent progress with the Little Rock Planning Commission, we are glad to see progress being made toward helping achieve better fire and rescue service from WPFD and, hopefully, better insurance rates for those that live in that desired 5-mile distance from the planned station. For more information, the Arkansas Democrat Gazette did a story recently that has more information. If you would like more information about how you will be affected by this planned station or would like to contribute, please contact West Pulaski Fire Departments Business Office at 501-821-9320.


Stay cool and safe during extreme heat periods

22566366_BG1This time of year we expect the hot days are here to stay for a while.  Arkansas weather experts are currently predicting high temps in the range of 100’s. These hot days create the need for extra caution when working and playing outside. Here are some reminders on how you can remain safe and comfortable.

General Recommendations

  1. Stay cool and if at all possible, stay in an air-conditioned place. If your home does not have air conditioning, go to the shopping mall, library, recreational facilities or heat-relief shelters.
  2. Electric fans should be used with caution. Use only if they bring in cool air from outside. Do not use if they only circulate hot air. Instead take cool showers or baths.
  3. When outdoors, stay in the shade whenever possible (natural or artificial structures).
  4. When in the sun, cover up. Wear a wide brimmed hat, UV protective sunglasses, and loose-fitting long shirts and pants.
  5. Stay well hydrated. Plain water is the liquid of choice, diluted fruit juice is okay. Drink less caffeinated and alcoholic beverages on hot days.
  6. Check regularly on children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities or with chronic illnesses; be sure they are well hydrated.
  7. Be aware of signs and symptoms of heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Follow first aid procedures promptly.
  8. Apply sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher), 20-30 minutes before going outside to ensure absorption.
  9. When using DEET insect repellent, apply 20-30 minutes after sunscreen has been applied.
  10. Sunscreens/insect repellents are not recommended for infants under six months of age. Keep babies under one year of age out of direct sunlight.
  11. NEVER leave anyone (including pets) in a closed, parked vehicle.

Continue reading Stay cool and safe during extreme heat periods