The Arkansas Department of Emergency Management (ADEM) Shelter Rebate Program will begin accepting applications on Monday, pharmacy July 15, see 2013. The Arkansas Legislature approved the program to receive $1, 250,000 for the new fiscal year. Reimbursements will be awarded based on the date of installation.
Applicants are responsible for mailing the application after it is signed by the County Judge/Coordinator. ADEM will not process electronic applications or those received before July 15. The rebate program will close when ADEM receives enough applications to expend all the funding. After all funding has been obligated and the program is closed, the remaining applications will be retained. Shelter Rebate applications that were received prior to December 9, 2011, but were not funded on the July 2012 cycle, will be honored first. If future funding becomes available a notification will be posted regarding the application acceptance period.
Eligibility is limited to individuals who own their home at the time of application and who have installed an above-ground safe room or in-ground shelter after January 21, 1999. ADEM will provide reimbursement for cost associated with individual above-ground safe rooms or in-ground shelter installation. Reimbursements will be 50% of the associated costs or $1,000, whichever is less.
Although an individual, above-ground safe room or in-ground shelter can be designed in a number of ways, it must meet requirements established in FEMA Publication 320 and/or meet the National Performance Criteria for Tornado Shelters dated May 28, 1999. The program will require that it be constructed of a waterproof material, properly ventilated and the door must meet the National Performance Criteria for Tornado Shelters. The shelters must meet city and/or county codes if there are any. Previously owned or used shelters will not be eligible for the grant. Only shelters that come originally from the manufacturer or contractor are eligible.
Click on this link to find out more information and access applicable forms: http://www.adem.arkansas.gov/ADEM/Divisions/Admin/Mitigation/shelter.aspx